2015 in review

For interested readers, here’s a summary of our blog, The Contrary Perspective, for 2015.  We’d especially like to thank our frequent contributors, people like Greg Laxer and Michael Murry, for all of your comments. We’re really pleased to have reached roughly 200,000 “hits” in 2015. Together we’ve built a community of contrarians who are always…

War, American Style

W.J. Astore A common belief shared by U.S. political pundits and a compliant and complicit U.S. media is that America never chooses its wars: it’s dragged into them.  Last October, I read an article in the “liberal” New York Times that caught the mood perfectly.  It worried the U.S. was being “sucked into” wars in…

The Republican Debate: Attack of the Clones!

W.J. Astore They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here’s one: From left to right, we have Kasich, Fiorina, Rubio, Carson, Trump, Cruz, Jeb!, Christie, and Paul. Look closely.  Rubio, Trump, Cruz, Jeb!, Christie, and Paul are following the standard sartorial script for “conservative” politicians: dark suits, red power ties, flag lapel…

Our Prisons Are Us

Peter Van Buren.  Introduction by b. traven. After decades of politicians enacting repressive and vindictive imprisonment policies like “three strikes” and maximum incarceration for minor drug usage, America has become a nation that proclaims its love of freedom while imprisoning more of its people than many of the most freedom-hating regimes in the world. Peter…