Trust in War is America’s New Creed

Henry Pelifian Trust in war is the constant refrain from elected politicians of both major political parties.  The enemies are everywhere: Iran cannot be trusted in the Nuclear Agreement so we should bomb them now before they cheat.  Russia is always a threat even with the demise of the USSR so let’s get tough on…

Four Sayings from My Dad

W.J. Astore We tackle heavy subjects at this site, but occasionally we throw in a change of pace.  My Dad was a fount of homespun wisdom and sayings.  Three of them immediately spring to mind. “Water seeks its own level,” meaning (for him) that you don’t have to coddle talented kids—they’ll find their own path in…

Petraeus with Broadwell

Holding Military Boots to the Fire

W.J. Astore I write a lot about the U.S. military, partly because I served in it for 20 years, partly because I’ve been reading about it since I could read, and partly because I have a lot of affection for colleagues, young and old, who still serve.  My articles tend to be critical because there’s…

Pro-War Biases: Why We Are Killing Ourselves

Nile Stanton In a thought-provoking article by Dominic Johnson, Richard Wrangham, and Stephen Rosen of Harvard, the authors observe that “Human decision-making has been shown to violate rational choice theory in a variety of contexts….” “[S]ome of the most intriguing and important examples concern how people perceive and react to risk.  Most notably, people appear…

A Few Letters to My Dad during World War II

W.J. Astore My dad was in the Army in World War II.  He was a dental technician in an armored headquarters group and never went overseas.  But many of his friends did go overseas and saw combat.  What follows are some excerpts from letters sent to my dad. Bill Zerby was attached to the 781…