The 2016 Presidential Candidates in a Word

W.J. Astore Continuing our election coverage, I thought I’d try to sum up each major candidate with a single word (excluding profanities).  I encourage readers to submit your own words for each candidate in the comments section below.   The Democrats Clinton: Compromised.  No candidate is more beholden to special interests and the establishment than…

The Republican Alternate Universe of Paranoia

W.J. Astore I watched last night’s Republican debate so you wouldn’t have to.  Leaving aside the usual mugging by Donald Trump, the usual jousting over side issues like whether Ted Cruz is a natural born citizen, I thought I’d take an impressionistic approach to the debate.  You can read the debate transcript here (if you…

The Age of the Demagogues Has Arrived

Chris Hedges (Courtesy of Truthdig) The increase in nihilistic violence such as school shootings and Friday’s lethal assault on a Planned Parenthood clinic, the frequent executions of poor people of color by police, and the rise of thuggish demagogues such as Donald Trump are symptoms of the collapse of our political and cultural institutions. These…

It’s America the Prison State, And You Could Be the Next Felon

Glenn Greenwald [Editor’s Note: This article originally appeared at The Intercept.] Bush-era House Speaker Denny Hastert, who was indicted yesterday, is a living, breathing embodiment of everything sleazy and wrong with U.S. politics. That is highlighted not only by his central role in enabling every War on Terror excess, but also by this fact: Hastert’s ability to…

Hillary Shillary: A Deeply Compromised Presidential Candidate

W.J. Astore Hillary Clinton will soon be announcing her candidacy for the presidency.  She has learned from 2008, or so reports say, and will be reaching out to voters in “intimate” settings like pseudo-town halls, rather than the mass rallies of her previous candidacy, which were supposed to anoint her as the “inevitable” Democratic candidate…

Favoritism in Public Arenas Invites Failure

Henry Pelifian Favoritism in public arenas, to include “private” sectors, has as many pitfalls as there are minds which embrace it.  While favoritism in one’s private life is a preference that one may embrace as a choice (often involving one’s family and friends), favoritism in public arenas is perilous for it embraces policies and decisions based…

A Lame Duck Nation on Steroids

W.J. Astore The more the United States has come to talk about dominance, the less dominant we’ve become. To compensate, we’ve become a steroidal nation, to include the violent side effects associated with steroid use (just look at the latest stories out of the NFL about spousal and child abuse, or our steroidal police forces,…