Richard Feynman

The Coronavirus Is Immune to Lies

W.J. Astore Investigating the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion, physicist Richard Feynman reached a famous conclusion: “For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.” The COVID-19 virus is not going to be fooled with lies.  It’s not going to be fooled by a denial of medical science.  You…

The Impending Nuclear Apocalypse

Dithering on the Brink

Michael Gallagher The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists announced on January 23, 2020 that its symbolic “Doomsday Clock” has moved forward to 100 seconds to midnight, the closest to catastrophe that the scientists have judged the world to be at any point since its creation in 1947, at the outset of the Cold War. My…

corner store pharmacy

Corner Store Healthcare

Robert W. Morrow, M.D. Are you ready for industrial medicine? Profit-driven chains looking to sell candy, cosmetics, and your personal healthcare? Ready or not, the transformation of US healthcare is underway.  Retail chains are ready to make policy and provide our health services.  And they know the best legislators and regulators that money can buy.…

Charles Darwin Has Much to Teach Us About War

W.J. Astore.  Also at Huff Post. America’s thinking about military action is impoverished. The U.S. military speaks of precision munitions and surgical strikes, suggesting a process that is controllable and predictable. Experts cite Prussian military theorist Carl von Clausewitz for his axiom that war is a continuation of political discourse with the admixture of violent…

Health Care Reconsidered

P.J. Sullivan The controversy over health care in America misses an important point, that the human body is a self-healing organism. Americans think that doctors and medicines are the only options for the sick. They are not. There will always be a role for doctors, but the majority of illnesses are preventable and curable without…